Sunday, August 31, 2008


The corporate giant that I work for has annual sexual harassment awareness training for all employees annually. Last year, the managers had mandatory diversity training also. As a part of that training, we watched a video that was made in 1968 about a teached from Iowa that taught her class an important lesson about discrimination. I was very affected by this video and felt that it was a highly effective teaching tool. By some miracle, I just found the video on Google. I have not embedded it as it is somewhat long, almost an hour, but here is a link if you would like to watch it:

The looks on these kids faces when they find out what discrimination feels like says it all.


Anonymous said...

I wish they would show this more at work places. We have this same training but it's only when a new person starts.

SkylersDad said...

I went through that training while I worked at Uswest about 10 years ago. I know exactly what you are talking about...

Just Dave said...

I remember seeing another video years ago when schools in the South were beginning to desegregate. This little black girl, dressed up in her best frilly dress, was walking into an elementary school. The walk was lined by whites screaming racial slurs and profanity at her. My heart broke looking at her because she looked so lost and bewildered. Some of these kids have that same look.