Saturday, August 23, 2008

Democratic National Convention

The Democrats are coming to Denver next week. We have thousands of folks lined up to protest something, be it war, peace, killing fur-bearing animals, whatever. What the Democrats have to do with any of these things, I am not sure, but protests must be held. I am going to stay out of town in New York most of the week to avoid the hullabaloo.

I have nothing against the Democrats. I am sort of apolitical. I vote for the person whom I think will best represent me, regardless of political party, which I think most people do these days. I don't think that the US will come to an end regardless of who is elected.

I do know one thing: when all of these delegates fly into Denver, one thing they are bound to see as they leave the airport is a big. BLUE statue of a stallion with lighted red eyes. It cost us in excess of $1 million. All it needs to be the world's tackiest sculpture is a flashing neon penis. It simply screams, "Hi, folks, welcome to Hicksville". The delegates will know that, for all of Denver's claims to be a cosmopolitan, hip town, it is still full of rubes. Have fun, Democrats, and don't forget to spend lots of cash. We need the money for that neon penis upgrade.


SkylersDad said...

You are wise to stay away Dave, they have a structure set up in the parking lot of the Pepsi center that is over 6000 square feet, and that is just for the media...

Just Dave said...

Yeah, not to mention that lovely holding facility with cages in an old warehouse. I would be afraid to sneeze at the wrong time.

Jodi said...

Just stay low....and don't make any sudden movements.

Good luck.


Sushiboy said...

Have fun in NYC.

Just Dave said...

HG, I'm staying so low that I am gone. I made a sudden movement to the airport and hit the road.

I plan to, Sushiboy. I'm going to the "Mortified" show tonight compliments of co-producer Anne Altman aka Two-Can Anne. Follow the link for Anne on my blogroll to read all about it. I also plan to eat prodigous amounts of sushi.