Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Yes, I know it's a Hallmark holiday but we should have a special day to be especially nice to our moms and our spouses that are mothers to our children. The day is a bit bittersweet to me as my mother passed away May 21. 1999. I think about her a lot during this month as we were very close. We were really good friends as well as relatives. I pray for her soul every Sunday at Mass and will do so again tomorrow although I am certain she is in a better place/

Anyway, I will be grilling some USDA Prime New York strips that cost me a bit with big baked pototos and a good salad, celebrating the day with my wife and MIL. I hope you all have a great day


Jodi said...

On the behalf of mothers everywhere, I thank you.

Mother's Day is weird for me because my ex-husband asked me for a divorce on Mother's Day, 7 years ago.

Those steaks sound good.


SkylersDad said...

Oh geeez hoosiergirl! that dude had crap timing, eh?

Just Dave said...

As it turned out, looks like you got a great Mother's Day present. Hope the one in 2008 was far better.

The picture is up now. I hope I don't scare too many folks off.

Jodi said...

Dave - Great picture! You're a doll! No wonder your wife has kept you around so long. Let me know if you ever become available! (wink)

And yes,skylersdad, he had lousy timing, which in HIS life has continued to this day. But Dave is right -he really did me a favor. I am much happier now, in lots of ways.


Donna said...

I thank you as well for the Mother's Day wishes. My mother lives 2000 miles away, so Mother's day is a bit of a bummer for me. We are really close, and it's hard not to see her on Mother's Day.

Hope the grilling went well! I like your new profile pic :)

Just Dave said...

Thanks, B. The grilling went very well indeed. Yeah, I lived a good distance from my parents, too until 1997 when my mom (Dad passed in '86) moved to Denver. She knew she was dying of melanoma and wanted to be close at hand. I'm very glad she did since we had two years here and we could take care of her as she declined.