Tuesday, April 22, 2008


For those of you unfamiliar with Colorado, it is dry here. Not Arizona or Nevada dry but pretty damn dry all the same. Also, there are thousands of acres of very dead pine trees here thanks to a one inch long bug called the pine bark beetle. Pretty well all the pine forests in Colorado will be destroyed by this bug over time and there is nothing we can do about it.

Put lots of dead trees together with really dry and what do you get? Yep, fire. We have had more red flag fire weather warnings in the last two weeks than in all the years I have lived here put together. Fortunately, the area where I live has very few trees as it is a fairly newly developed subdivision but the smoke can get pretty bad sometimes. I hope that it rains like hell sometime real soon or the whole state might burn up.


Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in California, and went through the Las Politas mess in the 80's. Oddly, when I went to Oregon to attend college, the fires started up there as well.

(I swear, it wasn't me.)

Just Dave said...

I'm sure it was just coincidence. Um...you'll let me know if you plan to come to Colorado, right?