Saturday, July 12, 2008

Remembering Mark

On Tuesday, July 8, a man I worked closely with, Mark Elgin, was returning to Denver from a business trip. As he was exiting the plane, he fell very ill and paramedics were called to treat him. While the paramedics were working on Mark, he suffered a pulmonary embolism and died immediately. He could not be revived. Mark was 44 years old.

Mark was originally from the Philadelphia area and was a huge Eagles fan. I went to the Super Bowl party at his home three years ago when the Eagles played New England. He was a generous person who gave of his time freely. He was very much a family man who was very close to his wife and two children, a daughter 14 and a son 11. He will be missed by all of us.

If you have a moment this weekend, say a little prayer for Mark and his wife, Vickie, and children, Lucia and Nick. As you can imagine, this sudden, unexpected death has been a huge shock for them. I wish them peace and healing. I know that it won't come easy. Thank you.


Jodi said...

Wow. That's terrible. I have experienced some unexpected deaths in my life, and there are always such a shock. I hope his children will be okay.


SkylersDad said...

Wow, 44 years old... That is tough to process, I hope that his wife and kids will be OK. My thoughts are with them.

Just Dave said...

This has me almost looking over my shoulder. Life is just such a lottery. This kind of thing is so unpredictable, it could happen to anyone at anytime.

Sushiboy said...

Ouch, a tough thing for his family, prayers are indeed coming their way.

Cheer34 said...

sorry anout your firend....positive energy and pryaers are being sent to his family and you

Teri said...

I hate when things like this happen. You have no warning.

I'm so sorry for the loss, for everyone. He was too young.

Donna said...

That's so young. I am truly sorry to read about this. My prayers are with his wife and kids.

Just Dave said...

Thank you all. Mark's services on Monday were very well attended, showing that he had a lot of friends here. There will be another mass in Philadelphia for the close family before he is interred.

shaikens said...

That is awful, I'm sorry to hear about this loss.

My stepmother has fallen ill on an airplane twice now, both times passing out and they've yet to figure out what has caused it.

Interesting, I wonder if he had any pre-existing medical conditions.

My thoughts are with them. Be well! xo

Just Dave said...

I don't think Mark had any outstanding medical conditions. He was a wrestling coach for a young teen group. I asked my doctor about this particular condition and he said that it is pretty random. There are no real predictors for embolisms. That's scary.

Special K said...

I was very sorry to see this, and prayers were sent.