Wednesday, July 02, 2008


OK, so we got the whole floor thing going on. Monday everning, I step out front to enjoy the last of the sunset and hear a hissing sound. I go around to the side of the house and find that my sprinkler system control valve is spraying water. Just a little though, so no big deal. I will call the landscaper in the AM, thinks I. So morning comes and I head down to the basement to drink my morning coffee and fool around on our auxilary computer (shhh-we are hijacking someone's unsecured wireless network). What do I find but a puddle of water under the hot water heater. It is leaking. One more contractor to call. I did get both the landscaper and the plumber out to the house yesterday and got everything fixed (new hot water heater-yikes). So I take my shower this morning and find that the shower will not turn off. We have a single water knob control which I hate and it hits a hard block at about the 1/4 On position. So the plumber, whose kids I am putting through Harvard, is on his way again. As our old friend Roseanne Rosannadanna says, "It's always something". I think in my next life, I will just rent a double wide mobile home.


SkylersDad said...

Careful, all the appliances and equipment in your house belong to the same union. Don't tick them off!

Donna said... consolation is, when things like this happen, they usually come in 3' least that's what my dear ol' mum always said. I hope all is fixed now and you can enjoy the rest of the summer!

Just Dave said...

all fixed now..i an whispering so none of the other union appliances will hear.

Teri said...

God, I hate when this happens.

Just Dave said...

Yep, the joys of home ownership. The real bummer is that the house is only 11 years old.

Sushiboy said...

when it rains it pours :(

Just Dave said...

Ain't it the truth, Sushiboy. Like B says, these things do seem to come in threes. What really bugs me is when they come in SETS of three (3,6,9, ad infinitum).

Jodi said...

Wow, you had a real sting of bad luck! Glad it's all under control now (whispering).


Just Dave said...

Yep, everythings fixed, the floors are supposed to be finished Thursday and it finally rained. What more could I ask for?