Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Halloween
Trick-0r-treating always turns me on.


Jodi said...


Where do you find these things?

Very funny.


Just Dave said...

You know, you surf around enough, you can probably find naked pictures of the Pope.

Sushiboy said...

I hope its not the trick or treaters that make you feel this way :). J/K Happy Halloween!

Special K said...

I, actually, would pay good money for naked pics of the Pope.
Especially if a goat was involved.

I'll settle for this adorably pornographic pumpkin!!


Just Dave said...

Hoosiergirl: Just making the point that you can find most anything on the 'net.

Kimmy: When I find a link, you'll be the first to know. Would a ferret be OK instead of a goat?

Jodi said...

Oh, I know you were just joking around. I was just teasing you, too. I like your sense of humor!


Just Dave said...

Why, thank you. I try to keep things light most of the time.

EJL said...

which part..the trick ..or the treat?

Just Dave said...

Well, both, the truth be known.