Friday, September 07, 2007

News, News, News

So what is going on in the world? Let's see:

New tape from Osama? - Bin Laden has reportedly released a new video. Of course, the first question is : who cares? Probably the same old "slaughter the infidels" crap - ho hum. And what's up with the beard? Four years ago, it was mostly gray. The new tape shows him with a black beard. Has our boy been using Grecian Formula for Beards and Mustaches or did they just hang a beard on the closest fellaheen that looked like Osama to fool the stupid Westerners? The only reason I care at all is that I am still hoping to get a good clean shot at him someday and collect that $50 million, which I will spend on mercenaries to battle terrorists.

What else? Oh, yeah, eight guys got indicted in Colorado for smuggling sea turtle skins and eggs. Sea turtles are one hard sneeze from extinction and these clowns are making boots from their skins. And the eggs? Well, it turns out that, like rhino horns and bear gall bladders, they are supposed to be an erectile aid. We have to start making sure that American TV gets out to the whole world, no matter how remote. That way, these flaccid fools can see commercials for Viagra, Cialis and that other one every 10-15 minutes. They are lots cheaper than rhino horns and don't involve pissing off a rhino or a bear, either (always a good thing).

Guess that's it for now. Tune in tomorrow to see if Paris Hilton has really taken the cloth and will live out the rest of her days as a nun.


Sushiboy said...

The Nuns haven't done anything bad enough to have Paris join them. Send her to the pedophile priests instead.

"That candelabra is HOT"

Zed said...

What an interesting idea, Sushiboy. Who knows? Paris could turn everything around for the Roman Catholic Church. Lord knows they need all the help they can get these days.

Angry said...

I'm surprised there's still a market for Turtle's eggs and Rhino horns... well doesn't everyone on earth have an email address now and are therefore receiving the same beloved spam about Viagra and erectile disfunction as the rest of us...?

Paris Hilton taking the cloth? It won't last... why do Nuns go around in pairs...? because one Nun is there to see that the other Nun gets none... that aint gonna happen with Paris...!

EJL said...

Didn't you love the dye job. (his beard) it was supposed to make him look more scary to his enemies, kind of like a tyrant. I say the man needs to eat, I think even I could break the coward like a twig.

I wonder how he even thinks that he isn't a coward. How long has he been in hiding?....yup coward, that is the perfect word.

Anonymous said...

I thought the dark beard on Mr. B. was very becoming... (well, for a cold-blooded, heartless, calculating, sadistic, egotistical, derranged, sociopathic lunatic, that is)..

Doctor Mom™ said...

You forgot about O.J.

Where are you now?

Just Dave said...

That's because O.J. in trouble is not news. I'm actually home for a day or two before heading to Atlanta next week. 9/24. Will try to think up a new, clever post soon.

Special K said...

Are you back yet? *tapping foot*

Just Dave said...

Yep, I'm back and about to make a clever comment on your blog so stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Since the turtle eggs treat E.D., I guess they were on order from Bob Dole...
okay so that was incredibly stupid, but really that's all I got on this one..

Just Dave said...

Well, it was a good try anyway.