Monday, April 23, 2007


Last Monday, 33 people were killed by a crazed gunman in Virginia. I will not deny that this is tragic and outrageous. This happens almost every day in Iraq since George Bush liberated the country. Where are the television special reports? Where are the editorials? The vast majority of those dying are not soldiers but innocent Iraqis going about their daily business. Do we think that their lives are less valuable than those of the people in Virginia? I promise you, the Iraqis don't.


Special K said...

As sickening as it is, I find myself surrounded by people who are completely absorbed by the 'official lies' and 'spin'. They regurgitate it daily and make no effort to educate themselves as to what is true in Iraq - and what is true in the U.S.
They absolutely believe the lives of the Iraqi people are worth less - and they'll say they're Christians and smile the whole time.

Just Dave said...

I saw a report on CBS News about the number of orphans that have been left by this war. The Iraqi goverment wants nothing to do with them. The Sunni children will not play with the Shi'ia children and vice-versa. I can see no future for a country that will not protect its weakest citizens.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.