INTERVIEWI invited Teri over at Family Tree Junkie to interview me and she took me at my word. Here are the questions and my answers-straight up:
1. If you could change your present career, what would you do?
This is tough because I really enjoy what I do. However, I think it would be cool to be the director of a world-class ballet company, like American Ballet Theater. I know that it's damn hard work but think of the interesting people you would meet.
2. Besides your spouse, who is the other person that most influences your life and why?
No contest - my mother. She was a red-hot liberal living in the south and didn't care who knew it. She taught me that race is meaningless and to respect people for who they are, not their color. She also taught me to appreciate beauty (see number 1).
3. What is the most important place you want to see, thing you want to do, before you die?
I want to visit the Isle of Skye in Scotland to see where my ancestors came from. I am very curious to see the actual spots in person and not on TV.
4. If the seven "ancient wonders" of the world were still around, what would you most like to see?
I think that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were probably pretty cool (pun intended).
5. If you could do one thing to change the world, what would it be?
Make everyone the same color and religion. Then we would have to search harder for reasons to hate each other.